15:15, Seoul. Shyness is no excuse. I used to think I was too shy to dance—but then I felt so happy doing it, I just knew I could never go back. Am still a shy person, but one who will do everything she wants to.
Found this in my phone when I was cleaning out my inbox, outbox, and saved messages. I typed it into my phone one day in Baguio, when Marla and I were waiting to go back to Manila. It was a display at the Nike store with Korean singer BoA on the walls.
In Church (twice) today, I couldn’t help but cringe at my stomach, which now (sadly) bursts out of my jeans. My thighs have never been thin, but they haven’t been this massive, either. I never used to have a problem with my weight, but I think it’s safe to say that I am now unfit.
I wish I could dance again. Maybe even just twice a week, an hour at a time. I can start tomorrow—if I remember.