I was looking through the latest issue of our magazine, and realized that an entire month ago, I already set my 2009 goal of Doing More as seen in the Editor’s Letter page. Haha!
Sadly, I’ve only baked a few times since. Okay, once. Haha! Last night, I made white chocolate cupcakes with white chocolate cream cheese frosting for my high school classmate’s baby shower (she’s having a boy!). I colored the frosting, but it turned out to look like a bright teal than a blue. Oh well. Haha! I am planning to do more baking soon. This super yummy recipe in HTEAC is begging to be made! Be still my Nutella-loving little ♥.
And I cheated. I originally wanted to write more, which meant everyday, but I wasn’t able to after the 1st. So I went back 2 days ago and wrote for each day that I missed. Recognize the effort! Hahaha!
As for taking more pictures, I’m hoping for sunny skies and awesome beach weather for the weekend. Let’s hope the universe conspires to help me be a better me this year. d: