Sometimes, I can’t be bothered to get out of bed, but I’d been sick for 10 days (10 days!) and I was not about to spend another holiday wasting away. I was feeling much better after the concert so I figured maybe a night out won’t be so bad.

Figured out a new way to style my hair. I’ve been obsessing about Kelly Framel‘s hair since I decided to start growing out my pixie and I attempted to amplify my waves with my flat iron. (:  Didn’t really stay curled too long, but I’m glad my flat iron will see the light of day again (it was so expensive, ack!).
Headed to a new place that didn’t make me feel old. No grinding kids on top of each other (I swear this has happened—and not too long ago!), music I can actually sing along to, and more importantly, no smoking (yet, haha)! Kind of glad I decided to go out dancing with my friends. Worth standing in heels for 5 hours. Haha!

Woke up for lunch today and didn’t leave my room again till I needed to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness for the holiday. (:

Can’t wait for next weekend. Also, November means I’m turning 29 soon. Twenty-nine. Can you believe it?

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