Tuesday is one of my favorite days because I was born on a Tuesday (“Tuesday’s child is full of grace”). In an effort to revive this blog after so many tries, I’m trying to come up with some regular posts per week so I can keep this thing updated. (:
Starting today, I’ll be posting a list every Tuesday about things I’m grateful for. Hopefully, I won’t slack off even after the holidays. Haha!
♥ These amazing chocolate cookies I got yesterday. They melt in your mouth and have chocolate bits in every bite. I can’t get over them and I’m determined to recreate them!
♥ Exchanging gifts.
♥ Listening to new music.
♥ Trying a new recipe and getting it right! I made red velvet mini-cupcakes for my friend’s birthday and my friends loved them.
♥ Waking up just in time for work even if I was up until 2am.
♥ Having just enough time to paint my nails in holiday colors.
♥ Getting a dress on sale.
♥ Finishing everything on my to-do list.
♥ Catching my dad laugh while watching Mr. Bean on late night TV.
♥ Getting a notification that someone liked my photo on Instagram (follow me @macysfields!).
What about you? What are you thankful for?