♥ Listening to letters being read out loud.
♥ New Christmas music.
♥ Friends in the office who are just as crazy as I am!
♥ Up Dharma Down’s Capacities (Thanks, D-an for letting me copy your CD!)
♥ Receiving very sweet words from my former boss. Here’s hoping I really have it in me!
♥ Yummy sangria to end the week.
♥ Gold glitter polish!
♥ Christmas lunch with my college best buds.
♥ A batch of freshly baked cupcakes to give away.
♥ My new favorite person: Mitos ♥ My best friend’s most beautiful baby girl.

Been a long time coming
I love traveling with people who can adjust schedules, not worry about missing plans, etc. Get you friends who can do that and you’ll