My first digital camera was a cute little pink Cybershot U that I insisted on buying purely because of kawaii factor. I dragged my Kuya to Megamall in search of the maarte 1.3 MP cam (wala pang zoom!) and we celebrated my purchase at Almon Marina.

{ One of the first shots from that camera }

I still have that cute camera in my room and it still works, haha! But most of your phones probably take much better pictures. d: I’m keeping it for sentimental (and cuteness factor, obvs) reasons.
{ In Five Cows after Christmas lunch at Omakase in 2007 }
My next camera was a sleek, silver Canon IXUS that my mom and kuya gave me for Christmas about five years ago. My friend Kaich and I were camera twinsies until iPods/iPads/smart phones happened and we all forgot about our cameras. Everything was on TwitPic, Instagram, etc.
Until one fine Christmas afternoon, I walked into the mall, just planning to use my GCs for a new dress or a skirt (ended up with both, lol). I walked out with that and a paper bag from a camera store. HAHA! Talk about low EQ. I’ve actually been looking at the Fujifilm X100 ever since I found out Kristina of Kris Atomic was using that as her point and shoot, but it was just too much money for one thing. Last year, one of my photographer friends emailed me a link to the Fuji X10 and said it might be the camera for me. Didn’t really consider buying one since my IXUS was still working and my brother would let me use his LX3 when he wasn’t using it. Then Reggie posted about the X10 and I started looking at reviews online. Saw that it had film simulation (Provia, Velvia, and Astia) and I was sold (dali kong ma-convince, no?) Fast forward to two days ago, I finally got myself a camera with my own money (well, next year ko pa masasabing nabili ko na siya kasi naka-installment, haha).
Here are a few photos I’ve taken with it so far. The two photos of the bilo-bilo chair (haha) were taken by Pat (thanks for assessing my purchase, wahaha). Didn’t do anything to these photos except resize them and put a watermark. Whee!

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