♥ Afternoon silliness at the office pantry starring Dyan Valdyan
♥ A new body wash that smells like the beach
♥ Kaladkarin dinner after work
♥ Bacon rice!
♥ Sondre Lerche ♥
♥ That kiss on New Girl!!!
♥ Seven years of being a Candy Girl
♥ Taking my to-do list to ta-da before the weekend
♥ Zombie!Nicholas Hoult
♥ One birthday in Christ, one birthday in heaven

Been a long time coming
I love traveling with people who can adjust schedules, not worry about missing plans, etc. Get you friends who can do that and you’ll
The Comments
Jaina Decena
Hi Ms. Macy! I am an avid reader of Candy Magazine. Ive actually tried for the COC and correspondents but I never got the cut, but my hopes are still up! I hope me and my friend could work for your team on summer… It would really really mean a lot to me!!! I want my last summer of being a student to be extra special! *crossed fingers* kahit anong job sa candy i'll be thankful 🙂