♡ all the people who trusted my work and let me edit/write/strategize/do video demos for them
♡ almost one year of this website (it turns one on January 10 offish)
♡ all the dishes I cooked and the bread I learned to bake
♡ the time to read and watch all the things
♡ every morning I got to write something
♡ all of the productive co-work days with fellow freelancers and supportive friends teaching me the ways
♡ weddings and birthdays and celebrations I got to be part of
♡ creative projects with friends
♡ getting to travel to new places with people I love
♡ rediscovering the magic inside me and trusting my intuition fully
Been a long time coming
I love traveling with people who can adjust schedules, not worry about missing plans, etc. Get you friends who can do that and you’ll