Music Monday
Is anyone else obsessed with checking their Discover Weekly on Mondays? I’m always curious if Spotify’s algorithm will churn out a playlist that’s very me. I also end up discovering (ha!) new (sometimes old) music.
Tasty Tuesday
It’s been a while since I got tapped by Yummy to do a video demo for them. They’ve asked me a few times, but our schedules wouldn’t match. I was so happy when they asked me to develop two recipes for them about a month ago.
This is the first time I got to develop recipes from scratch for them, so I was excited (and nervous). But both recipes turned out great and I’ve already made the coffee banana bread multiple times. Now if only strawberries were affordable, I would probably make this for breakfast every single day.
Wishful Wednesday
In my last post, I mentioned that I recently joined the Spot Japan team. At the start the month, I got to explore Fukuoka (my first time in Japan!) for work. It still boggles the mind how things somehow always fall into place. My hope is that I continue to get opportunities that allow me to not only thrive but to grow and learn new things every day.

Another venture I’ve had the privilege to be part of also finally opened this month. Make Space Today is a creative co-making space in Malingap, Quezon City that has a retail incubator; a shared space for makers; and a skills program that aims to help members improve their craft in so many ways.
I’ve always been a QC girl and though I’ve moved cities, it’ll always be home to me. It was a no-brainer for me when my friends Mikko and Alessa asked me if I was interested in getting involved. The open house weekend just ended, but we open officially on Tuesday. You can find out more on the website or swing by to see the space for yourself. It’s beautiful!
Oh, and I’m going to facilitate a workshop about creating content for newsletters and blogs in September. So if that’s something you’re interested in, please do sign up!
Thoughtful Thursday
My friends at my old office are currently planning for next year. I’m reminded that around this time 2 years ago, I was sitting in a hotel room, thinking I was planning for another year. Plot twist: I was not. Flash forward to 2 years later, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’ve survived the freelancing life. While I know my life would be so much easier with a steady job and a regular paycheck, I’m relieved it hasn’t been too impossible to make this work. Here’s hoping the path I’ve chosen stretches onward.

Fashion Friday
I’ve got shelf space at Make Space Today (currently, I have some Prima clips on display there) and it’s sorely lacking merch. I just glazed a new batch of Hey Kessy Jewelry clay earrings. Here’s hoping they turn out alright after firing. I’ve also been playing around with a few designs for new hair clips and another jewelry line. Crossing my fingers I get to do both! What do you think I should make next?

And just like that, we’re done with the first half of the year. Isn’t that crazy? Hello, July.