Music MondayI’m a big girl now
See my big girl shoes
It’ll take more
Than just a breeze
To make me fall
Over, fall over,
Fall overboard, overboard
Fall over, just so you
Can catch me
Tasty Tuesday
{ Wagyu Cheeseburger with Shrooms, Charlie’s Grind and Grill }
Wishful Wednesday
{ Dreaming of red hair and curls }
Thoughtful Thursday
Fashion Friday
{ Bought a similar blouse a couple of weeks ago not knowing that the Color of the Year for 2013 would be emerald green. Also finally found my silk blouse that’s been missing for months! Apparently, it’s just be hanging around our laundry shop, with no receipt or identifying marks. Haha, at least I can wear it on Christmas! }
* weekly-themed post adapted from That’s Chic