♥ A brand new year: a fresh start, new beginnings, and a heart full of hope.
♥ Future babies!
♥ A new cube at work—I’m back, sitting with my favorite girls!
♥ Seeing my cupcakes in another country. Super cool!
♥ Our site’s new section. I’m in love with it!
♥ My new camera, hee.
♥ Tea time with my college best buds.
♥ A new episode of Revenge and Pretty Little Liars (I am probably one of three people left watching this show, hehe).
♥ Hilarious Facebook threads with my high school barkada. I love how babaw we can get.
♥ Planning surprises. (:

Been a long time coming
I love traveling with people who can adjust schedules, not worry about missing plans, etc. Get you friends who can do that and you’ll