Music Monday
Caught Beautiful The Carole King Musical on its last weekend, and absolutely loved it. Insane how talented Filipino actors are, and I’m always blown away whenever I watch musicals. Have had the Original Broadway Cast Recording on repeat for a while.
Tasty Tuesday

Since I work from home most of the time, I’m usually just eating lunch by myself. So, I took it upon myself to just plan our weekly meals. I haven’t really been messing around the kitchen, but I finally remembered to buy some ingredients on my last grocery run. I got to try making Mushroom Masala and naan from scratch. I’ve always wanted to try making it ever since I had some at Little India in Malingap. I’m the only one who eats it at home, but it’s fine. Haha!
Wishful Wednesday
Do you also wonder if you’ve made the right decision, and constantly worry if you took the wrong path? Sometimes, I wish I didn’t agonize over things as much as I do, but I’m learning to be kinder to myself. I figure whatever I choose, it will lead to something good. Better, even. I’m also just learning that saying no to things doesn’t mean closing doors to opportunities. On the contrary, you just might be opening yourself up to more.
Thoughtful Thursday

I very rarely get to write introspective pieces on commission. Most of these just go here or stay stuck in my hard drive. So, I was more than happy to contribute to Tricia Gosingtian’s new project Hinhin. I wrote a hopefully helpful guide to traversing an extrovert world as an introvert. Head over to their website to read it. While you’re at it, make sure to read Chinggay’s lovely essay on traveling alone. It’s something I’ve never done, but maybe one day I will!
I’m glad there’s a space for quiet girls to come into their own and realize that they don’t really need to change anything about themselves to stand out. In a world where we’re constantly being asked to like and engage with posts on our feed, it can get pretty overwhelming. It’s like there’s always some form of pressure to “perform” or always be “on.”
Fashion Friday

I’ve been looking for sports sandals that don’t look chunky on my feet. I saw some in Japan, but they were either too big or black. So, when I saw this pair of leather (!) ones on my feed, I knew I had to get them. Of course, days after, I saw a version that were espadrilles and cost much less. Haha! Debating whether I should get them in another color, but I really don’t need more footwear. I’m barefoot at home most of the time!

Caught Aura sa Artesania last weekend to check out the sellers and say hello to my friends. Picked up a ring from Souvenir and got a baby hoop for my extra piercing from Sam. <3 I love that the ring looks like pasta or a croissant wrapped around my finger.