Last week, I started bringing cupcakes to work again. I used to make cupcakes every other night (EVERY.OTHER.NIGHT) and bring them to work to sell to my officemates. I didn’t care if I slept late (to bake the cupcakes) and wake up early (to make the frosting). I was at my happiest in the kitchen. I think it was my way of coping when I lost my mom. I would just try recipes and keep making them until I knew they were perfect.
And then I just stopped. I don’t remember how or why. Maybe it was because I moved down a floor? Maybe it was because I started getting tired? Or maybe I found something to do outside the kitchen.
But recently, I started baking again. (: It feels good. And I don’t plan on overdoing it (what was I thinking bringing in 2 dozens of cupcakes every other day?). Just one flavor a week, maybe cookies on some weeks. I’ll still try new recipes until I get them right.
Yesterday, I brought S’mores Cupcakes with Swiss Meringue Frosting (but apparently, my baking powder has died so they weren’t as fluffy as usual) and today I brought Kahlua Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting (possibly my favorite creation ever) for friends.
Next week: tried and tested Chocolate Chip Cookies.
The Comments
your cupcakes look so good mace! wish I could try them. You should definitely consider making this a full time business. I imagine you owning a coffee shop someday. 🙂
Maybe I can ask Binky or Zsa to hand carry some for you! Hahaha! That is one of my life goals. (: Hopefully it comes true someday.
Preeeeeetty cupcakes! Your cupcake photography and styling is getting really good, too! — Kaichy
Thank you, Kaich! (: Can't take all the credit, though. Had a little help from this nifty tool called ToyCamera AnalogColor. It's the beeest!
Macy, I miss you and your cupcakes so much! Please let me know when you're making S'mores cupcakes, I promise I'll wake up extra early to go to Mandaluyong! 🙂
Please please let me know when you're bringing some to the office!