Passion Project: Polished

Right after we released The Friendship Bracelet Book, I was already drawing ideas for the second Berry Books release. This time, it was Mimi who would be the EIC and I would be the “creative editor,” (Mimi coined this position, hehe) also known as the person in charge of thinking up nail art designs. I had a tiny notepad where I drew imaginary nails and penciled in patterns. I was to come up with at least 50 designs. I didn’t think it was possible until we eventually had 52!

We shot everything in two days. This resulted in a mess of polish and polish remover and fumes-induced headaches.

My boss Mimichoo (making a face!), photographer Patrick Martires, and hand model + cover model Alecx.

Mim is putting on base coat on our other hand model, Trixie, our poor intern we forced to model for us. HAHAHA!

 Missing hand model: Miss Lazatin!

I wish The Face Shop would sell more of these pens in other colors. They only currently have white, black, and silver. If you don’t have a nail art pen, though, you can totally still do the designs with a thin paintbrush or a toothpick.

Some of my favorite patterns that came out oh so nicely in the book.

Please grab a copy (if you haven’t already!) for only P150. It comes with 4 free polish bottles in Blue Me Away, White A Minute, Orange You Glad, and Pink-A-Boo. It’s a great stocking stuffer for kids and adults alike.

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