Marla and Anton wedding

Ten Things I’m Thankful For

♡ spending time with my favorite tiny human—who is no longer tiny at all! huhu.

♡ easy, reliable public transportation so I can see my favorite (no longer) tiny human. p2p is da bomb, y’all!

♡ catching black panther (michael bae jordan, my luv!) and the greatest showman in the cinema.

♡ witnessing one of my oldest friends finish her first marathon. didn’t realize how overwhelming it would be!

♡ exploring places outside qc, lol!

♡ new shows to watch: finished everything sucks and I’m down to my last 2 episodes of the new queer eye!

♡ nabbing another freelance gig—this time for content writing. this is my year of expanding and exploring and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

♡ going on an impromptu middle-of-the-week beach trip. relishing the fact that I can do this now!

♡ finally unboxing my glossier haul. already planning my next purchase. #hopeless

celebrating love all weekend. best wishes to marley and anton who had the most beautiful wedding in sorsogon! happy to have been there to witness it.

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